Advanced Eye exam with Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT)
At Carter and Harding we pride ourselves on giving you the best eyecare possible. We have invested heavily into OCT technology, to take revolutionary scans of the eyes. It is similar to an MRI scan for the whole body.
Like ultrasound the technology it uses light waves analyse the different layers that make up the back of the eye. There is also a three-dimensional Cross-sectional scan of the back of the eye, which is done in one sitting. This means that we can quickly diagnose a wide range of conditions, in a non-invasive and simple way.
The software also detects even the slightest change in your retina position. This allows us to closely monitor the health of your eyes and create an invaluable health record moving forward.

How does it work?
15-20 minutes with a member of our team obtaining a detailed visual field and retinal images
30-40 minutes with our optometrist for
- OCT scans
- Detailed questions to learn more about you, your health, your visual needs and your lifestyle
- Assessing your level of vision and obtaining an accurate prescription based on your visual needs
- Assessing whether your eyes work together well as a pair and addressing anything arising
- An in depth eye health examination
Goldmann tonometry to accurately measure the pressure in your eyes - Analysis of scans and visual fields
- Discussion, advice and recommendations for eye health, glasses and EyeSense bespoke plan if appropriate